2 | Productivity Tools: Google Applications


Throughout the program you will use the Google suite of productivity tools and applications to make your communications and collaborations easier. Google applications are free to use and accessible over a wide range of devices. In this session you will become familiar with the use of the tools, their purposes, and how to access and edit information shared using the tool. 


After the Session, you will be able to: 
  • identify and use a variety of Google productivity tools and applications for communication and collaboration.
  • recognize common symbols and commands used in productivity applications.
  • collect information and display it for communication and collaboration.

Readings and Content

Explore the Google Apps Learning Center and focus on at least three of the productivity tools that would be most useful to you for your personal or professional work.

Then visit the Icons and Symbols page from Stuff my Computer Says.  Study the symbols and see if you can justify why the symbol was used to represent what it represents.

Watch this short video on Google Apps on You Tube.

Then watch this video on Google Drive posted on You Tube.

Google Search

Google has video based courses in Power Searching and Advanced Power Searching at Google Inside Search  


We will create a Google Drive document together and edit the document in real time. We can explore many of the features Google provides, like chat, through this activity.

Create a Google Calendar and have everyone contribute to it. The finished product will provide each member of the program with a digital, shared copy of the program calendar.


1. What were some of the Google apps you found particularly useful when exploring the options at home? Which ones could you use at work? Which ones could you use at home?

2. What are some of the benefits of using a cloud storage system like Google Drive? What are some of the drawbacks? When might traditional physical storage methods be more effective? How does transliteracy come into play in this decision?

3. What are some of the ways libraries could use collaborative file editing platforms like those Google offers?

Part 1

Explore Google Drive on your own so you become comfortable with the platform and the concept of the cloud. This may require a bit of time checking out the various options and using the chart of common icons and symbols. Try the following activities:
  1. Upload a document from your computer to Google Drive.
  2. Create a folder on Google Drive.
  3. Create a document, presentation, or spreadsheet on Google Drive and share it with everyone in the group. (Add some content to the document so that you can get some practice editing it as well as sharing it).
Part 2

To prepare for next week, review these readings on social media and Internet etiquette:

Reading Brain  http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=reading-paper-screens

Writing Online versus Writing on Paper  http://www.internettips.com/department-categories/web-business/writing-online-vs-writing-on-paper/ 

Read the Introduction section from Getting to Know You: Face to face versus online interactions  http://osil.psy.ua.edu/pubs/gettingtoknowyou.pdf

Email Etiquette: 26 Rules to Follow


Project Work

By the end of this session, you should have your goals and objectives for the program well defined.  You should also have your Google profile established so documents and files can be easily shared with you.

Take a minute to share your Google profile email address and your objectives for personal and/or professional growth through active participation in this program.  A Google spreadsheet has been created for this purpose, Transliteracy Program - Fall 2013 Session.  Go to the file and enter your information.

References and Links

Google Apps Learning Center  http://learn.googleapps.com 

Icons and Symbols from Stuff my Computer Says   http://www.stuffmycomputersays.com/2010/08/23/universal-icons-and-symbols/

Google Apps Work in the Future  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNJUL92y9wo

Exploring Google Drive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SjRH3SImlM

Power Searching  http://www.powersearchingwithgoogle.com/

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